The school you wish you had
There are no classrooms, exams, or grades
How do we track kids’ “progress” at school then? It starts with an expansive definition of progress, of growth. A definition that isn’t just about academic milestones, but about social and emotional wellbeing too.
Where a new learningadventurebegins each day
Learning is a journey through wonderful worlds. Remember the thrill of finally balancing yourself on a cycle? Or the pride of mastering a music instrument or a board game? At Comini, every day is filled with these magic moments.
Where every I can’t turns into I did
Learning is fundamentally about attitude. We believe kids already possess the tools they need. Our role is to gently guide them. To expand their sense of self, to take on challenges, and to truly embody a growth mindset.
Learning is when the mind, body, and heart are all at play
Unlike the rigid and outdated educational methods of conventional schools, at Comini, we believe in an approach to learning that happens beyond the confines of a classroom and is meaningfully connected to the real world.
Where why? is always welcome
We decided it was time to rethink education when our daughter was pretending to be a teacher and shouting at her imaginary kids saying "Just get it into your heads because this will be on a test”.
This is what one of our parents told us. Growth isn’t just about grades. Progress is a story not a standardized test.
How are we different from other schools?
Personalized, experiential, meaningful Picture a world where your child sets the pace and learns at their own speed, and is free to pursue their own interests. Learning is not the remembering of knowledge. It is exploring the world and ourselves. It is nurturing the cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual. It is about playing the whole game. The world our children will inherit will be very different from what it is now. We don't know what careers will exist. We must help children learn to learn, through their lives.
Guides, not teachers Our educators don’t lecture - they facilitate, they inspire. They’re dream-enablers, cheerleaders, and co-learners who are discovering the world together.
Comini is Community Learning is not just cognitive or emotional, it is deeply social. We learn from each other. In togetherness we find ourselves and what makes us unique. We believe our world has enough for us all, and we are here to find our place, and help each other.
We guide, not teach The metaphor that guides all we do is one of exploration. Where we are there to explore together, offer a helping hand, but otherwise step back and let them blossom into independent voyagers.
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Rigid curriculum Traditional schools often use dated curriculum and old ways of teaching that may not be interesting, scientific or helpful for all students.
Teaching to test An emphasis on standardized curriculum on testing almost always turns into an emphasis on shallow surface skills and teaching to test.
No personal attention Traditional schools have far too many students in one class. Teachers simply do not have enough time to help students with their unique needs.
Stigmatizing mistakes They create the wrong illusion that there is just one right method. The world is complex, interconnected, and changing. What was right once can quickly become wrong.
Set patterns and spoon-feeding Life does not come with textbooks, teachers, and tests. We have to figure it out. On our own and with the help of our tribe.
Hides the real Our superpower is taking in ambiguity and ignorance and transforming it into meaningful patterns. Traditional schooling cocoons children in the abstract and arbitrary.

Become a Comini facilitator

Not a trained teacher? Not a problem!

We do not care about your degree.

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You love kids

You love your kids, but you also love spending time with kids in general. You are inspired and challenged by them, and you learn from them every day.

It is challenging, but it is the kind of challenge you love.

You are on your feet almost all the time. You are playing with kids with boundless energy. You are always there as a guide and a friend. It is exhausting. But you would choose this over a desk job every single day because it is also exhilarating.


You are deeply passionate about giving your kids a meaningful education

You understand that education is not just for a certificate and a career. You want to nurture their whole being – mind, body, and soul. You want to equip them with the skills they need to navigate the world on their own.


You are willing to learn

You understand that to teach well is to learn something new. You understand the value of lifelong learning. You are more than willing to step out of your comfort zone and pick up new challenges –just the way kids do very naturally. You understand that we are on this journey together, and you are willing to seek and offer help.


You want to give back

We think anyone can teach empower learning, if they are smart and passionate about what they do.

Our educator compensation is probably among the best in India. That said, you are not looking at this as a financial opportunity alone. You understand that this is the most profound impact you could have in making the world better for all of us.

Help change learning for the better We are a microschool that is at the forefront of a mega-revolution, of a new era of learning that is playful, personalized, and meaningful. We are not just passionate parents, but experts in learning. And that means we have the right balance of know-how and humility to know that we have a lot to learn, and we learn it best when we do it together. Education is not just a job, or for a job, it is about making a way of life happen for all. Come join us. Join us in redefining Learning